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Does Die Hard 2 Take Place at Christmas?

This is another installment in my ongoing effort of asking the machines to rewrite articles that I’ve previously published on What Would Bale Do. This is a companion piece to Why Die Hard 2 is a Better Christmas Movie Than Die Hard. Frankly, I think it’s one of the best things the machine has written for this website, although, like a lot of machine-written content, it’s a little flat. That, and the stance this article takes is in direct opposition to my point of view, which is that Die Hard 2 is more of a Christmas movie than the first film.

Die Hard, the action-thriller movie starring Bruce Willis, has become an iconic film that is widely regarded as a classic. The movie is known for its high-intensity action scenes, memorable one-liners, and of course, its holiday setting. Die Hard is a Christmas movie that has become a holiday staple for many movie fans. However, there has been some confusion over whether the sequel, Die Hard 2, also takes place at Christmas. In this article, we will explore the question of whether Die Hard 2 takes place at Christmas.

A Brief Overview of Die Hard 2

Before we dive into the question of whether Die Hard 2 takes place at Christmas, let's first take a brief look at the movie. Die Hard 2, also known as Die Harder, was released in 1990 and was directed by Renny Harlin. The movie is a sequel to the first Die Hard movie and follows the same protagonist, John McClane, as he battles terrorists who have taken over Dulles International Airport in Washington D.C.

The Timeframe of Die Hard 2

Die Hard 2 takes place on Christmas Eve, just like the first Die Hard movie. The movie starts with John McClane waiting for his wife's plane to land at Dulles International Airport. However, things quickly take a turn for the worse as terrorists take over the airport, and John McClane once again finds himself in the middle of a life-or-death situation.

The Setting of Die Hard 2

While the first Die Hard movie took place in Los Angeles, Die Hard 2 takes place in Washington D.C. The majority of the movie takes place at Dulles International Airport, where the terrorists have taken over the control tower and are threatening to crash incoming planes.

The Christmas Connection

One of the defining features of the first Die Hard movie is that it takes place during Christmas. The movie uses Christmas as a backdrop to contrast with the violent action scenes and add an element of irony and humor. The use of Christmas decorations and music throughout the movie helps to create a unique and memorable atmosphere.

Die Hard 2 also takes place during Christmas, but the holiday elements are not as prominent as they were in the first movie. While the movie does feature some Christmas decorations and music, they are not as prevalent as they were in the first Die Hard movie.

thank you to the machines for this one

Is Die Hard 2 a Christmas Movie?

The question of whether Die Hard 2 is a Christmas movie is a contentious one. While the movie does take place during Christmas, the holiday elements are not as prominent as they were in the first Die Hard movie. Some people argue that Die Hard 2 is not a Christmas movie because it does not focus on the holiday elements as much as the first movie did.

However, others argue that Die Hard 2 is still a Christmas movie because it takes place during the holiday season and features some Christmas decorations and music. The debate over whether Die Hard 2 is a Christmas movie will likely continue for years to come.

The Debate Over Die Hard 2

The debate over whether Die Hard 2 is a Christmas movie is just one example of the ongoing discussion around what makes a movie a Christmas movie. Some people believe that a Christmas movie should focus on the holiday itself, while others argue that any movie that takes place during Christmas can be considered a Christmas movie.

The debate over what makes a movie a Christmas movie is subjective and can vary from person to person. Some people argue that the themes of family, love, and redemption are important elements that make a movie a Christmas movie. Others believe that the use of Christmas decorations, music, and holiday traditions is what makes a movie a Christmas movie.

Regardless of the debate, Die Hard and Die Hard 2 have become holiday classics for many people. The movies' combination of action, suspense, and holiday elements has made them a favorite among moviegoers during the holiday season.

In conclusion, Die Hard 2 does take place during Christmas, but the holiday elements are not as prominent as they were in the first Die Hard movie. The debate over whether Die Hard 2 is a Christmas movie will likely continue for years to come. However, for fans of the Die Hard franchise, both movies have become holiday classics that are a must-watch during the holiday season.


Why is Die Hard considered a Christmas movie?

A: Die Hard is considered a Christmas movie because it takes place during Christmas and features Christmas decorations, music, and holiday traditions.

Does Die Hard 2 have the same plot as the first movie?

A: No, Die Hard 2 has a different plot but features the same protagonist, John McClane.

Is Die Hard a family-friendly movie?

A: No, Die Hard is rated R for violence, language, and brief nudity.

What other movies are considered Christmas movies?

A: Some other popular Christmas movies include It's a Wonderful Life, A Christmas Story, and Home Alone.

Will there be a Die Hard 6?

A: As of now, there are no confirmed plans for a sixth Die Hard movie, but rumors and speculation about a potential sequel continue to circulate.