D. F. Lovett with the Wall behind him.
Con of Thrones
D. F. Lovett spoke at the 2018 Con of Thrones, the largest Game of Thrones and A Song of Ice and Fire convention in the world. Here's a description of his presentation:
Join author and blogger D. F. Lovett for an investigation into how the songs of the Grateful Dead inspired George R. R. Martin’s songs of ice and fire.
We will begin with recapping the known before exploring the unknown and hypothetical. Finally, the session will conclude with exploring what the connection between these works say about the place of both the Grateful Dead and ASOIAF in culture (and Americana) as a whole.
Interested in reading some of Lovett’s works on the link between the Grateful Dead and A Song of Ice and Fire? Begin here, with the oft-read "Did a Grateful Dead Song Inspire Arya Stark and Her Story?"
For further reading, check out this blog post with recommended reading, future plans, and a brief recap of the event.